Uniforms for 2024-25 School Year
Red, White, Navy or Royal Blue Polo Shirts (may be purchased from any supplier with the option of the CCS logo)
Khaki or Navy skorts, shorts or pants (may be purchased from any supplier). Navy Blue, Royal Blue, Black, or Gray leggings/tights may be worn under skorts and dresses.
Girls may wear Red, White, Navy, or Royal Blue Polo Dresses. Navy or Khaki jumpers may be worn over polo tops as well.
Tennis shoes of any color
Optional PE Uniform: (worn only on PE days) Gray or Royal Blue t-shirt (with optional CCS logo) and Navy, Black, or Gray athletic shorts (tight fitting or bike shorts are not allowed). Students who do not wish to wear PE uniform may wear regular school uniform.
Outerwear: Students may wear any coat/jacket to school, but sweaters/hoodies, etc worn in the classroom must be school colors (red, white, navy/royal) with an optional CCS logo